Course on building a project management system using Redmine




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(CV on LinkedIn:

I have more than 10 years of experience in the software industry, the markets that I have participated in include: Japan, the US and Vietnam.

I have also experienced many positions in software projects: Developer, Tester, Quality Assurance and Business Analytics, especially many years in the position of Project Manager and Senior Manager.

I am currently working as a Quality Assurance Manager / Quality Control Manager / Operation Manager for a software company with more than 100 people.

Hope to see you as soon as possible.


A - Course overview

In fact, when you do software projects with the team, we need to have a work management system. To meet this need, we can have a number of options for management software such as:

1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 -

These systems will usually give you free with a certain number of accounts, or limited features, but not much support if the version you use is not paid.

Of all the options above, Redmine is one of the options worth considering because:

+ Redmine is open source and has many free plugins

+ Easy integration with slack and other systems like git, svn, etc.

+ Can customize the system in many different statistical ways

+ There is API support during import/export task for statistics into google sheet/excel

+ Decentralize, create query tasks for many different roles.

Currently, I have set up many management systems for many software companies using Redmine, integrating with slack, git, svn. Size from (10 people to 150 people)

All services (services) are completely free to use.


For small and medium enterprises related to software, there is always a need for a project management system that includes the following information:

+ List of tasks of each person in the project.

+ List of bugs of current software, current project.

+ List of Q&A exchanges with customers.

+ List of issues/risks in the project.

This course, will guide you in detail how to setup and guide to build a software project management system with almost zero cost. You only need to pay for server rental.

B - Subject of the course

+ IT guys in software companies.

+ Your project managers (Project Manager / Senior Manager) want to build a software project management system for an outsourcing company.

+ You want to learn more about how to set up a software project management system.

C - Outputs of the course

+ Build your own software project management system with zero cost.

+ Understand how software project management works.

+ Built a reporting system from Bitnami Redmine system, integrated with the SpreadSheet (google sheet).

D - Course requirements

+ Skilled in software project management.

+ Formerly or currently working as a project manager.

+ Love or desire to build a software project management system.

+ Instructions for configuration on the Windows operating system (win server)


Chapter 1: Introduction to the course

Lesson 1: Objectives and objectives of the course

Lesson 2: Study guide

Watch the video tutorial and contact the instructor directly during the operation if you have difficulty.

Instructions for preparing the required operating system and environment.

Lesson 3: What is Redmine? Some examples of software project management using Redmine.

Explain why to use Redmine system, the advantages of using Redmine system.

Chapter 2: System setup guide

Lesson 1: Instructions for setting up Redmine with Bitnami

1 - Download Bitnami Redmine.

2 - Install on the server.

3 - Save the configuration information.

Lesson 2: Instructions for setting up Roles (user roles on the management system)

1 - Details of creating user roles in a project and on the Redmine system.

2 - Edit roles, arrange the order of roles in the Redmine system.

Lesson 3: Instructions for setting up Permission (decentralization of users on the management system)

1 - Configure permissions for the entire Redmine system.

2 - Adjust permissions according to user roles in the project and on the Redmine system.

Lesson 4: Setup workflow (workflow for each role in the system)

In the project management system. Each role will have different permissions and handle different workflows, after this lesson students will know how to customize the workflow for each position in the system.

What rights each person has and what can be manipulated in the system.

Lesson 5: Guide LDAP to winserver

Integrate winserver's LDAP system into Redmine. Allows users to create accounts on Winserver and directly access Redmine

Lesson 6: Instructions for installing plugins in Redmine

With the original installed version of Redmine, it will not be enough to use, so it is necessary to install additional plugins to support.

After this lesson, students will know how to find plugins, download plugins and install plugins into the system.

Lesson 7: Project creation guide and project configuration

1 - Create a new project on the Redmine system.

2 - Configure the necessary modules on the Redmine system.

3 - Edit project information on Redmine system.

Lesson 8: Instructions for creating categories and assigning yourself when creating tickets

In a project, there are many people with many different positions and roles. To make it easier to create tickets/issues, the system can configure defaults/specify who will be assigned when creating tickets.

Lesson 9: Instructions for creating binding fields during project running

With a project with a lot of different information, some information is required to enter, information is not required to enter. With the Redmine management system, we can customize each field/project.

After this lesson, students will know how to customize according to many different conditions with different fields in the project.

Lesson 10: Instructions for setting up the theme for Redmine system

With the current interface of Redmine, it will not be beautiful and professional. So we can go online to find themes (free or paid) to install into the Redmine system.

After this lesson students will know how to find, download, and try to get into the current Redmine system.

Chapter 3: Instructions for installing the plugin in the Redmine management system

Lesson 1: [Plugin][Chart] - How to create a chart?

How to create private chart / public chart, different types of charts in the project.

Lesson 2: [Plugin][Mention] - How @ to the receiver side noti

Configure email to notify when typing @ on Redmine management system.

Lesson 3: [Plugin][Additionals] - How to add and use Macro

Add Macros to make presenting issues easier and clearer.

Lesson 4: [Plugin][Checklist] - How to create checklists and check checklists

Create checklists, template checklists for different trackers during the creation process.

Lesson 5: [Plugin][Template] - Using all types of templates/projects

Create content templates according to the classification of trackers.

Lesson 6: [Plugin][Banner] - Using banners

In a project or system, there should be a notification to all users when there are changes or other problems. We can use the banner feature to configure the system.

Lesson 7: [Plugin][SlackNoti] - Using integration with slack group noti

Some companies are currently using slack to exchange work mainly. To help the management system can synchronize data and quickly notify users when using slack.

We can configure the Redmine system to integrate with the slack group.

Lesson 8: [Plugin][People] - Using plugin to update users information

With each user on the Redmine management system, we can save more information to support personnel management or some other information.

With this plugin will help us manage more information.

Lesson 9: [Plugin][WYSIWYG] - Using word editor

With each description of tickets/issues, by default the Redmine system will be very difficult to manipulate and add images.

To overcome this point, we can use this plugin to help users manipulate easier and faster.

Lesson 10: [Plugin][ViewCustomize] - Add javascript code into Redmine

In case you need to edit the code of the default Redmine system. Instead of directly modifying the code in the system files, you can go through any plugin to edit some parts according to your needs.

Lesson 11: [Plugin][MeetingRoom] - Configure meeting room and book room

With your company having many meeting rooms, to help with the booking of meeting rooms between departments on the system, we can use this plugin to support.

Chapter 4: Instructions on how to create a software project on Redmine (real data demo)

Lesson 1: Introduction to roles in software projects.

The roles (roles) often present in a software project include what roles, the scope of authority of each role on the management system.

Lesson 2: How to configure the permissions of each role

Configure the detailed permissions of each role in a software project.

Lesson 3: Introduction to the types of issues in software projects (task/bug/Q&A/Risk/issues/Report/etc.)

Understand the types of issues required in a software project.

Lesson 4: Instructions for configuring issues and assigning permissions for each role.

Configure the required fields for different types of issues, the permissions section details roles with different issues.

Lesson 5: How to batch import issues from csv file to Redmine system

Batch data input into Redmine system via CSV file format.

Lesson 6: Instructions to create gantt chart on Redmine system

Create gantt chart on Redmine system with imported data.

Lesson 7: How to create bug template, task template, Q&A template, Report template

With different types of issues, it will need to store different information and different customizations.

After this lesson, students can create different types of templates themselves, according to the standard configuration of common issues in a software management project.

Lesson 8: Instructions for creating a query (Query) to manage the work of project members

In the software management system there will be many issues, sometimes up to several thousand issues. Then it will be very difficult to query the data without a filter. In this lesson, students will learn how to query data in different ways on the system. In addition, it is also possible to save the query for future use.

Lesson 9: Instructions for creating charts on Redmine system.

Create chart (line chart, column chart, pie chart) to manage task list, bug list, Q&A list on Redmine management system.

Chapter 5: Instructions for integrating with the reporting system via SpreadSheets/Excel

Lesson 1: Extract current data on Redmine to CSV file

In case of data statistics through other systems or excel/spreadsheets (google sheet), the feature of extracting data to CSV from Redmine system can be used.

Lesson 2: How to import data from CSV into excel/spreadsheets

How to import data into excel/spreadsheets from CSV file.

Lesson 3: Using pivot for task/bug/issues statistics on Excel

Use pivot to make statistics and make reports on Excel.

Lesson 4: Using pivot for task/bug/issues statistics on spreadsheets

Use pivot to make statistics and make reports on Spreadsheets.

Lesson 5: Introduce website to export data directly from Redmine into spreadsheets

In case you have spreadsheets files and want to extract data quickly, you can use it through the website that is available by the author of the code.


After the course you will be issued a certificate of completion from


Bước 1 - Nhập thông tin bên dưới và chuyển khoản

Ngân hàng Tiên Phong Bank

Branch: Cong Hoa Ho Chi Minh

Account number: 00061552001

Full name: Nguyen Thien An

Transfer Contents: Redmine - <Full name> - Phone

Example: Redmine - Nguyễn Văn A - 0378115292

Price: 890.000 VNĐ (Source price: 2.000.000 VNĐ) sale up to 55%

Step 2 - Enter information in the form and contact a specialist

After entering information in the form, will put you in the study group and arrange a study schedule with you.